Others Before Self


Mine!  Mine!  I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree.  My daughter grabbed at her doll and held onto it like it was the last one in the world, just like I used to hoard my Matchbox Cars when my little buddies would come over. 

There is a time in our lives when all we are concerned with us me, my and mine.   Whatever affects me is all that matters.  When I am hungry, I want to be fed.  I could care less if you are hungry or not and what trouble you have to go through to get me my food.  All I know is I want food and I want it now.  My toys are my toys and you better keep your grubby hands off them.  There is no "you break it, you buy it" slogan around me.  You don't break it because you keep away from it and do not touch it.  It is mine and when I go over to your house you can be the same way with me. I do no care.  All I am concerned with is right now and my stuff.

I am not sure at what age I started to realize how much my parents did for me each day.  The trouble they went through to get me to all my baseball games, to church on Sundays, to school each day, to practices and tryouts must have been exhausting.  The money that must have been spent on me throughout my adolescent years could have been in the millions as far as I know.  I never did without, never went hungry and never wanted for anything.  Sure, we were not rich, and truly looking back on most of my childhood, we would have fallen into the poverty category, but we were just fine.  I now look back and with a grateful heart, see how my dad did without so much in order for us to have what we wanted.  He took care of my mom.  He always drove the crappy car so mom would have the nice one.  He always gave of what he had in order to get me that new glove or cleats for baseball that I wanted, but did not truly need anything.

Now that I am older and wiser, I have found myself doing the same thing.  You sacrifice what you have for the needs of others.  You give to organizations that exist solely in order to improve the life of those who have not had the same fortune as the rest of us.  Organizations such as Blue Line Overland who has raffles to raise money to buy Christmas gifts for needy children.  SheepDog Impact Assistance who takes wounded and disabled veterans on outdoor adventures to get them "off the couch" and away from the danger of committing suicide or going through depression.  The Marine Corps Toys for Tots program, different Motorcycle Clubs sponsoring families for Christmas or providing Thanksgiving dinners are seen every single year.  Even at the Big Iron Overland Rally, vendors donated items for an auction and monies were raised to help paint Big Brutus, the centerpiece of the rally and historical landmark.

The Overlanding Lifestyle and families that make it up genuinely care about others.  From getting out of bed to help those who are stuck and stranded, to loaning out equipment and gear to those who have nothing in order for them to get out and experience what it is like make this family what it is.  Those who fire up the Dutch Oven and cook for everyone at camp know what it means to love one another and to put others first.  It brings you joy.  It gives you a sense of fulfillment that can never come from sitting at home and hoarding your toys. 

Yes, having lots of toys is fun.  You can show them off.  You can shine them, wash them, and take very good care of them.  But the time you spend doing that will never bring you the joy, build friendships, and give you that feeling that nobody can take away, like when you share with others, help others, and care for others.

Others before self...thats a good motto.  I am not sure where you put God, or even if he makes the list or not.  I am not sure where on your list of priorities where you put family.  It may be important to you or may not.  But when you  make your list, place others ahead of yourself.  It may not make sense and I am sure it doesn't to some people in this world.  But if you do and practice it, you will live the best life you could ever dream of.

Alius Primoris


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