Fall Colors
If everything is the same, there is no diversity, no excitement. Our interest is short-lived. Our minds move on to something else. Children want the big box of colors. In school, you were somebody, the most
popular, if you brought out the box of 120.
That was amazing, very special.
Children with 12, 28 and 64 color boxes had never seen the likes of Pink
Sherbet, Sunglow and Mango Tango. Hands
rushed forth begging to "borrow" the cool colors that they did not
have to make their art projects that much more special and "cool." In middle school we signed up for band. Nobody wanted to play the same
instrument. We were all bound by likes,
loves and parental guidance and affordability.
But that was good, for if everyone played the same instrument, the tones
would be bland; the listener would not be wowed. Monotone melodies would seldom be sought
after. Listeners would search elsewhere
for entertainment. Yes, a solo is welcome every now and then (especially when
it is our kid), but even listening to the radio, we want more than one
instrument, more than one voice. Friends
even come with variety in many different colors, shapes and sizes. To be a friend you must be friendly. When friendly, you attract all kinds to
yourself. That makes life interesting,
full of joy, colorful and adventurous.
Variety gives us a
daily dose of medicine that thrills our hearts.
Different states in America offer a variety of places to visit, scenery,
pushing the limits of your language and dialogue. It is interesting and pleasing. It fulfills desires and makes our heart
smile. From the California beaches north
to the cliffs in Oregon scenery runs the gamut with variety. From Arkansas, you leave the green Ozark
Mountains and travel west. The sky opens
wide and the colors turn red the further west you go. The temperatures change according to sea
level and distance from the equator.
Time zones affect your eating and sleeping habits, making you constantly
concerned with length and time throughout the day. It is different. It is not what you are used to, but it is
refreshing and sought after. It is new
and different. It is beautiful in its
own way.
The seasons bring
variety throughout our year no matter where we live. Some more drastic than others, some experiencing
all of them in one day. The saying goes,
"If you do not like the weather now, just wait, in a few minutes it will
change." I do not know what your
favorite season is, but we all seem to have one. Some like the cold winters sitting by the fire. Some hate the cold and long for the hot
summers at the beach. Others are
thrilled by the trees bringing about their leaves once again as spring brings
warmer temps and life to a winter stripped forest. Then there are the lovers of fall bringing an
end to the heat and sprouting forth colors that take your breath away.
The colors of fall
are diverse. There are no two
alike. The evergreens provide
consistency. Hardwoods mixed in provide
new colors in their allotted place. Oaks,
maples, aspens and others show off their brilliance some years. Some years not so much. It is no different from any other aspect of
life. Some years are good and some not
so good. There are many factors involved
in how far the colors push the wow factor scale.
Throughout the summer,
you must have rain. Nutrients must be
provided to have health. Minerals make the leaves want to hang on as long as
possible. Some fall seasons see an early
release of leaves and very little color due to harsh summers and drought
conditions. Sometimes winter comes
early. An early frost can cause leaves
to give up, let loose and fall prematurely without ever changing their
color. The wind blows and away they fly
landing who knows where. Powerful rains
pound leaves to the ground. Another of
just many factors that affect how large your fall color box will be this year.
Then there is the
perfect fall. Summer rains fall
nourishing the healthy trees. Calm winds and perfect temperatures cooling down
slowly bring bright and brilliant colors, popping out around every corner. Bright as the sun shining, causing you to
look not once but again and again. You
slow your vehicle. You take time to look
around. You are no longer in a
hurry. You stare in amazement and are
now more than willing to take extra time to get to your destination.
Pull out that box of
120. You will find them all here. That one time every few years when everything
comes together. Everything is just
right. Hopefully, the time will align
with your free time so you can get out and take it all in. Pack the cameras with photos. Fill up the phone memory with images. Pull out those pics at work. Everyone will
want to see. You will be the most popular person there. Post on Social Media. You will get tons of likes and comments. Not everyone gets this chance. This may not happen again for several more
years. Take advantage of it while you
can. If it is not this year, maybe
next. Maybe not, you never know but you
must be ready. If it does not happen
this year, be patient, they are coming. It
may be a surprise due to so many factors involved. Just be ready. Make time for them. It is worth it. There is nothing like them, and good years,
like that box of 120 are very rare.
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