Worth My Time?

Time is everything.  Time is what we are never promised any of, but take advantage most of.  We seldom think about our time being limited to the number of days before it runs out and our life is over, but we often think about how "time flies" or there is not enough time in the day to get what we need to get done.

I often look at photos of my daughters and think about how quickly they have grown up.  It just seems like yesterday they were crawling up in my lap on Saturday morning with a sippy cup of chocolate milk wanting to watch cartoons.  Now one is in school to be a school teacher and the other is working as a nurse at a children's hospital.  It just doesn't seem real. How much longer will it be until they are taking care of me as I will not have much time left?

As a person who enjoys living and enjoys time on this beautiful earth, I am constantly thinking about time.  Yes I think about the future and what I should be investing my money in, how I should be getting my affairs in order, and investments for retirement that will one day come.  But the biggest investment I can make right now is where to invest my time.  What things, events, places and bucket list items are worth my time?  I never want to waste any time as that is not time well spent.  Once that minute from our lives is past, we can never get it back.  How big of a deal is it to me to be able to use my time as wisely as possible before my time is up?  THAT is the real question.

For me, it is a big deal to use my time wisely.  I have a long list of places that I want to visit, to create memories, to build lasting friendships and use my talents and skills to help others.  Investing in others and investing in memories that will be carried on after I am gone are the best investments that anyone can make.  That is my desire.  Yes, I have a job.  Yes, I have responsibilities and long hours at the office and other places that demand my time.  But when I am given the opportunity, I am prepared.  I have already done my homework.  I have already packed the bags and gassed up the ride.  I am ready to go.  I am ready to hit that trail, find that epic campsite, see that place that has eluded me for years, and crossed off that bucketlist item that never seemed to ever become a reality.  I am ready.

It is hard to find time.  Time is elusive and fades away right before our eyes.   It is gone before we know it.  What are you investing your time in?  Are you preparing so that when that time comes, you are ready?  Get ready, you will have an open door to that golden nugget we refer to as "free time" or "me time."  What is your plan?  If you don't have one, you might want to start working on that right now to do something that is worth your time.


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