

I sit watching families sit outside the Emergency Room waiting to see loved ones. What is taking so long?  Why can't they move faster?  We came in six hours ago and we still haven't been seen.  "We have been in this waiting room for hours" they say between themselves, in disgust, just loud enough where Hospital staff can hear.  It is ironic, to me, that we don't like to wait in the very place that is named after waiting - the Waiting Room.  I think they named it that for a reason.  It teaches us patience.

When my daughters were growing up, the only time they understood was RIGHT NOW.  They wanted Christmas to be right now and they never understood why they had to wait another year for the next one.  Children are always wishing their life away telling everyone what they want to be when they "grow up." Then they turn right around griping and whining that they are being treated like a child.  

Songs have been sung about the "waiting" being the hardest part and this is true.  Statements come out of our mouths constantly that "we can't wait" for this or that.  No matter how true that is, we know that each day something arises that tests our patience.  If you speak to individuals, asking them if they were blessed with the gift of patience, you will run the gamut of answers from sometimes, it depends on the circumstances and many hard no's.  It will be a definite no from me as well.

Patience is called a virtue.  This means it is divinely bestowed on some and not so much on others.  The ones who have it are beyond blessed.  The others who do not are taught hard daily unwanted lessons.  All we can do is realize the lesson being taught and deal with it in the best way we can and learn from it.  We know it's coming.  It is not selective with persons.  It affects everyone.  It is coming.  Live with it.  Learn from it.  

Patience may not be a virtue that has been bestowed upon you, but that does not make you immune to it. It may be an acquired taste in your world, but the more you experience it, the more you can learn from it.  It is up to you the attitude you have when the time comes.  It may come now.  It may make you wait.  You never know.  That's the waiting, and that is the hardest part.


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